Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Thistle
by Jan MacInnes Jan. 2011 In Memory of Annette

The Needles you Wear  
Show Signs of Pain
Yet You Never Complain of the Wind or the Rain
Your bloom held high of God's Great Colors
Silky Seeds of Joy Spread for All to See
Some Say You are a Weed
Some say You are a Cure
Grounded by Earth with Strong Roots
Sprayers and Plowers Mow Over You
To Our Site and Touch You are Gone
Earth Begins to Weep
Time Goes By
God Appears and Lifts you Up with his Glory
Steam Held High and New Leaves that Glow
A Weed You Say?
A Prickly thing?
Please See Through My Thorns
I am a Flower for all to See and Use
I was planned with a Purpose
Listen to the Wind and the Rain
God will Speak to You
For You are a Flower

Thistle Picture Taken on Annette's Farm

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Short Video Find of Annette made my day, hope it does yours too!

 Thanks Jack Lynn for posting this beautiful video of Annette. It shows her calm, loving, patient energy. I love the wink at the end!



Annette's Letter!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Annette Born on July 28, 1973 and Soars out on a Rememberable DATE!

Annette Durbin Dean couldn't have picked a better date to pass on for her next adventure with God.....1/11/11
Her Husband Anthony Dean Quotes "It's because she is number one all the way across the board!"

Anthony and Family are  meeting today with the funeral home to make arrangements for all to come to remember our Number One Friend in Life! She may not be here with us on Earth, but she is still with us! Energy is an amazing thing! You may turn off a light switch in your house, but there is still power! We can't see it in physical form. God is AMAZING!  Open your mind and listen! She will be in your dreams, smells, visions, A certain object will jump out at you to remind you of her.....Pay attention....She will be soaring over us all....and if you do something stupid and you feel her knock at your head....You better change your ways! LOL....Cuz she won't stop until you pay attention...

Tonight.....take a break to meditate. Open your mind! Say Hi to her....she is listening....you may even dream of her or something you should be doing.

She knocked on my door this morning in my dream around 7am. I asked her to open my mind and to let me know if I needed to being doing something. Boy did that dream open my eyes....It was something I needed to do for my son Brad....I told my husband, and he agreed it was Annette! Stress lifted from his shoulders! Having a teenage boy and seeing every fine detail is hard. Thank you Annette for sending us a message! We are on top of it and we feel less stressed now! I love you! You may knock at my door anytime!

By the way....Annette and her sister Sherry are going to team up and help the Earth! One of Annette's purpose in life was to study animals and plants! I believe we have lots of flaws in our food chain and we should live more like we did in the past. Dump the hormones, and pesticides! God will put Annette fast at work, I'm sure of it. Go Green today! Plant a tree, grow your own food, invest in livestock! If you don't have time to raise your food. Look up your local Farmers Market....mark it in your calender and make it a part of your weekly routine.

Jan Shook MacInnes

Annette Was Born into this World Under the Roaring Sign of a Leo!

This is one of Annette's favorite photo's photographed by Jan Shook MacInnes

Modality: Fixed
Element: Fire
Ruler: The Sun
Season: Summer
5th Sign of Zodiac
Metal: Gold
Stone: Ruby
Color: Orange, Gold
 The heart.

Keywords: magnanimous, generous, hospitable, caring, warm, authoritative, active, open

Monday, January 10, 2011

Annette Durbin Dean

Annette Quotes "My family is so important to me. My family and friends are my support, my stability, and my happiness. I am happier at this point in my life than I have ever been."

  Annette graduated with honors with a BS degree in Agriculture and Business Administration from Eastern Kentucky University. She did this sandwiched between two kidney transplants and numerous surgeries.

under construction please send pictures of Annette to jan@spacecoastimage.com