Annette's Mom posted on her Face Book wall on Jan. 10, 2011....
"Please pray with us as our angel takes flight ! "She has been flying too close to the ground " for 14 years now.14 years that we shouldn't have had with her but that God, in His mercy, allowed us to have ! Hug your children and thank God for every min. you have with them ."
If any of you have uplifting, funny, silly, accomplishments, pictures of and or Annette with Family and friends please send them to me in an attached jpg. format. Please say who is in the picture and a short story if you would like...please leave your name with the attached pictures. The side show will be ANNETTE STYLE!!!! Grade school pictures, High School pictures, College pictures....Bring it on! You should also be able to post stories in her Friends and family story tab...